October Newsletter Updates
Grant News & Updates
We’ve been told that CDCR is going to be sending out reconciliation requests for Innovative Programming Grants and Victim Impact Grants soon. Please keep an eye out for that email. Also, if you have not yet received the first check from the RIGHT 2.0 Grant please email membership@thetpw.org.
Innovative Programming & CARE Grants
CDCR plans to release RFPs for the IPG and CARE Grants in November.
Calling All Program Providers at San Quentin
A big thank you to everyone who completed the San Quentin Survey! We are scheduling a meeting for October 31st to discuss the issues folks are experiencing there and problem-solve together. This will be a TPW meeting only (no CDCR staff) with our lobbyist, Danica. If you provide programming at San Quentin, we ask that you make every effort to attend! Please email Gaby at membership@thetpw.org with your contact information so we can add you to the email list.
January 14th Event at CSP Sacramento
TPW is hosting an in-prison event at CSP Sacramento with programming providers, legislators, and CDCR administrators. If you provide programming at CSP-SAC and would like to participate in the event, please email Gaby at membership@thetpw.org