We have a New Advocacy Associate!
Gabriela Garcia Gabriela Garcia

We have a New Advocacy Associate!

Norhan Abolail has joined the TPW team as our Advocacy Associate. She is a Restorative Justice practitioner with a background in counseling, case management, and trauma-informed care. Previously, she worked as a Senior Coordinator for the Restorative Justice Diversion program at Community Works West.

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Save the date!
Gabriela Garcia Gabriela Garcia

Save the date!

Date: 04/21/24 - 04/23/24
Location: Sacramento, CA

The TPW Annual Member Convening is back, and we’re bringing together community-based organizations, CDCR staff, legislators, and advocates for three days of connection, collaboration, and action.

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In-District Advocacy
Gabriela Garcia Gabriela Garcia

In-District Advocacy

TIME SENSITIVE: In-district advocacy

We are organizing district meetings and need your support in key districts. Your voice is vital to demonstrate the impact and success of rehabilitative programming.

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AB 581 Updates
Gabriela Garcia Gabriela Garcia

AB 581 Updates

This week, we issued an announcement about CDCR HQ’s two new memos to institutions and CRMs to continue guiding the implementation process of AB 581.

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October Newsletter Updates
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

October Newsletter Updates

Grant News & Updates

We’ve been told that CDCR is going to be sending out reconciliation requests for Innovative Programming Grants and Victim Impact Grants soon.  Please keep an eye out for that email. Also, if you have not yet received the first check from the RIGHT 2.0 Grant please email membership@thetpw.org.

Innovative Programming & CARE Grants

CDCR plans to release RFPs for the IPG and CARE Grants in November.

Calling All Program Providers at San Quentin

A big thank you to everyone who completed the San Quentin Survey!  We are scheduling a meeting for October 31st to discuss the issues folks are experiencing there and problem-solve together. This will be a TPW meeting only (no CDCR staff) with our lobbyist, Danica. If you provide programming at San Quentin, we ask that you make every effort to attend! Please email Gaby at membership@thetpw.org with your contact information so we can add you to the email list.

January 14th Event at CSP Sacramento

TPW is hosting an in-prison event at CSP Sacramento with programming providers, legislators, and CDCR administrators. If you provide programming at CSP-SAC and would like to participate in the event, please email Gaby at membership@thetpw.org

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AB 581 (Carrillo)
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

AB 581 (Carrillo)

Assembly Bill 581 went into effect in January 2024. We understand that implementing these new procedures has been challenging, and we are committed to working closely with our TPW members and CDCR to ensure that every institution aligns with the new law.

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We have a NEW Membership Manager!
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

We have a NEW Membership Manager!

Gabriela brings with her 20 years of administrative experience, extensive knowledge of administrative operations, and a background in arts and community engagement.

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August Membership Meeting Recap
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

August Membership Meeting Recap

We often hear from our members and community members a desire to more intentionally support participants with immigration concerns. So, we recently co-hosted an info session with the Asian Prisoner Support Committee (APSC) to equip  members with the tools to better support participants facing these challenges.

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CDCR Tablet Communications Update
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

CDCR Tablet Communications Update

Beginning on, Aug. 1, 2024, there will be changes to communication services for incarcerated individuals. CDCR will reduce the amount of free outgoing e-messages available through institution tablets or kiosks due to the additional funding for this effort expiring.

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Women’s Committee
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

Women’s Committee

The Hope and Connection event at CIW on July 13 was an incredible success! We had strong attendance from both incarcerated guests and TPW members. We are grateful to everyone who came to support. Big shoutout to Uncuffed for co-hosting, Bleu Inkk for incredible facilitation of the event, and Candace Nicholas-Lippman for the unforgettable performances!

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The TPW Has a New Name
Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor

The TPW Has a New Name

In case you hadn’t heard, we have new name and a fresh look.

This change is more than just a name; it's a commitment to our vision and a clearer reflection of the transformative work our members steadfastly undertake. It's a statement of our collective belief and experience. This name makes clear who we are: a community-driven, lived-experience led organization dedicated to making sustainable change in prisons.

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Kristy Dinsmoor Kristy Dinsmoor


In February 2024, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) released their latest recidivism report, indicating a decline in recidivism rates. This positive trend is attributed by CDCR to the effects of recent criminal legal reforms, including the enactment of Proposition 57, which has played a critical role in expanding rehabilitative programming in the prison system, highlighting the connection between comprehensive rehabilitation services and reduced recidivism.

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